Ffmpeg concat videos with different frame rates
Ffmpeg concat videos with different frame rates

N=2 is specifying there are two input sources Now after we declared what streams we are using, we have a normal filter syntax: Those of us with experience in programming will understand why the index starts at 0 and not 1 Use the video stream of the first input source, use the audio stream from the first input source, use the video stream from the second input source, and use the audio stream from the second input source. Unlike using filters normally with ffmpeg using -vf or -af, when using a complex filtergraph, we have to tell ffmpeg what streams of data we are operating on per filter. This one is probably pretty confusing, so let me explain the complex filtergraph syntax: Lets look at the examples, first the concat demuxer approach:Įnter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

  • The syntax is hard to understand if you've never written complex filtergraphs before for ffmpeg.
  • This will cause a transcoding to a occur, so it takes time and may degrade quality.
  • This method can concat videos with different encodings.
  • Using a complex filtergraph with the concat filter.
  • There are very few encodings that can do this, the only one I've used the is MPEG-2 Transport Stream codec (.ts).
  • There are some encodings that support file level concatenation, kinda like just using cat on two files in the terminal.
  • Using file level concatenation approach.
  • This method only works if the files have the same video and audio encoding, otherwise artifacts will be introduced.
  • This method is very fast as is avoids transcoding.
  • ffmpeg concat videos with different frame rates ffmpeg concat videos with different frame rates

    There are three methods I have found thus far:

    ffmpeg concat videos with different frame rates

    It turns out, that is rather simple to do with ffmpeg.

    ffmpeg concat videos with different frame rates

    Is everything fine with my ffmpeg command or is there a problem? What I'm also not sure about is that the timestamps are not increasing monotonically.I have found it very useful to concatenate multiple video files together after working on them separately. I'm getting for the raw video the following values: When I inspect the presentation timestamp using ffprobe -show_entries frame=pict_type,pkt_pts_time -of csv in.MP4 I was running ffmpeg on Ubuntu 16.04 with the following command to make sure that the video has a constant frame rate of 60 fps: ffmpeg -i in.MP4 -vf -y -vcodec libx264 -preset medium -r 60 -map_metadata 0:g -strict -2 out.MP4 &1 I have a GoPro video recording which was recorded with 60 fps.

    Ffmpeg concat videos with different frame rates